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Randy Baron1 min read
How Access to Research has Changed for Asset Managers
A discussion with Randy Baron, Portfolio Manager at Pinnacle Associates
Randy Baron discusses recent changes in the asset management industry, how regulations have influenced asset managers’ research effort. The episode touches on the relationship between deep-dive research and regulatory obligations, and the importance of engaging with the right providers for research.
What this episode on research versus regulation and changes in the asset management industry covers
- It’s important to engage with the right firms for deep, differentiated research that can set your portfolios apart
- Compliance is a need, whereas deep, differentiated research is a want, and “needs” are increasing, taking up more costs, but more extensive research is necessary for keeping your competitive edge
- The “Chinese Wall” between, for example, investment banking and research is only getting bigger
- More transparent reporting will be a prominent regulatory requirement, but the need for quality research is increasing
Key takeaway's from our changes in asset management research podcast with Randy Baron
"Differentiated research – like the boutique firms that have a deep knowledge into a subject or category – is going to have much more of an impact going forward than, for example, the big banks that have a very wide range of research, but don’t go very deep into it."
Visit Randy’s profile and the Pinnacle Associates website or book a demo with us, to see how we can help your business.