Genesis' efficiency journey
Life before Limina
On-premise large-scale front-to-back system.
Moving to Limina:
Reduced costs (time and money) with a new operating model & kept oversight intact.

Genesis' selection of Limina IMS

Honest relationship & deep understanding of end-user experience. Web-based solution, with frequent upgrades focused on client value. Strong Front Office features for complex multi-portfolio trading in emerging markets.

Enabled a more efficient operating model, with outsourcing (trading and back office). Retained an Investment Book of Record (no flush & fill) to power investment workflows and reporting.

Moved from routine roles to oversight roles - focused on exception management, enabled by extensive integration capabilities with high automation level.

"The move to Limina has been transformative for front office and investment operations. We’ve eliminated routine work - enabled by exception-based workflows."
See how Limina can help!
Want to see how Limina can help you reduce costs (time and money) - keeping oversight intact (or improved)

Read more case studies

Unlocked operational efficiency through exception-based workflows.
Unlocked 6h / person / week.
Grew funds by 33%, with same team size.

Moved off spreadsheets - gained oversight for better & faster front office decisions.
30 team members stopped receiving 40 emails daily.
Portfolio managers saved up to 15h / person / week.