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IBOR Investment book of record RFI on a screen

A tool to help you ask the right questions to software vendors

Based on years of experience in the buy-side systems industry, we have created a free tool to help you cut through the noise and get real answers to the questions that matter.

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The secret to a successful RFI process

Ask the right questions

RFIs can be a great way to find the vendor(s) most suited to your needs, but only if they are framed in the right way.

A common issue we see is that RFIs are too focused on functional capabilities, but they miss how the features work. Just because a task can be performed, doesn't mean it's efficient.

Most investment managers today would agree that efficiency is paramount. But you can't just ask "how efficient is it to rebalance portfolios?" because all vendors will answer "very!".

Free to use!

The IMS Procurement tool

With this free tool, we help you phrase questions to get to the bottom of these questions. Having been investment managers ourselves and now a software vendor, we've learned how to ask questions to bring out the right information from vendors quickly.

The tool will help you:

  • Define decision criteria and their respective weights
  • Select which topics are relevant to evaluate with potential vendors
  • Decide what questions to ask vendors
  • Create an RFI template to share with vendors
RFI website illustration

Complete data privacy

Although the tool is created by us, it’s completely unbiased. Having been investment managers ourselves, we know that a system selection can be challenging and the tool is designed to help you identify the best solution for you - be that Limina or someone else.

You can read the terms and conditions here, which clearly state that any data you enter is encrypted and can’t be accessed by Limina staff.