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Joakim Saltin2 min read

How Limina Can Help You Overcome Fragmented Workflows

As former investment managers who have transitioned into being vendors, we have noticed that we do make assertions regarding the results we can assist prospective clients in achieving. Furthermore, we have the ability to substantiate all of these claims. It is important to note that we prioritise complete transparency, clearly indicating when we believe our solution is highly compatible and beneficial, as well as when we recognise that it may not be the ideal fit.

This is one article in a series of five, where we go into why we make the claims we do. This article is about how Limina can help asset managers and investment managers overcome fragmented workflows. To view the other articles, please click on the links on the side of this article or you can view them on the claims we make page.

There are two key reasons for fragmented workflows:

  1. Data scattered in multiple places; and
  2. Workflows that span multiple places, leading to workflows that have not been holistically designed.

Let’s dive deeper!

1. Fragmented Workflows can Stem from Data Scattered in Multiple Systems

A common example of fragmented workflows is the need for augmenting the portfolio data with calculations or additional data points from spreadsheets or external systems, and then feed this data back into the order workflow.

In the Limina IMS solution, our configurable import/export application as well as APIs allows you to easily set up automated integrations for such scenarios, which then can help overcome the fragmentation or at least make it a lot less painful.

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2. An Integrated Solution Means Fewer User Interfaces

In many use cases, the Position and Cash Management capabilities of Limina can remove the need to go outside of the system at all.

An example is workflows spanning multiple solution providers such as risk, execution platforms or data providers. By offering a carefully curated ecosystem of partners available out of the box in Limina, we help remove a lot of the integration pains and ongoing potential issues.

In addition, thanks to our modern user experience, operations and investment workflows are designed end-to-end to be intuitive and seamless for you as a portfolio manager, asset manager, investment manager or operations user.

Find Out More About Fragmented Workflows

If you want to read more about fragmented workflows, and why integrated system are the future for asset managers, we’ve created an article that dives deeper into this topic, explaining the driving forces at play behind system consolidation and the ultimate benefits for you as an asset manager in adopting such a solution.

If you’re curious to see Limina’s integrated solution in practice, please reach out and book a demo.

See How we Help Asset Managers Overcome Fragmented Workflows


Joakim Saltin

Experienced system project consultant across implementations, migrations and upgrades across EMEA and the US.